Sorghum E048

E048 is an outstanding sweet sorghum line originally collected from Jiangsu Province, China. It has medium height (~2.5 m), long leaves (~72 cm), broad leaf width (~10 cm), and medium stem diameter (~2 cm). The panicles are semi-loose, pyramid-shaped, with medium length (~22 cm) and a short neck (~5 cm). The seeds are elliptic, grayish-white, with a slight yellowish-brown hue, covered by black glumes over 50% of the grain. E048 flowers in ~120 days in Beijing's long-day conditions and ~80 days in Hainan's short-day conditions. It has a high brix (~20%) and strong resistance to lodging, diseases, and abiotic stresses. These outstanding traits make E048 an ideal candidate for genetic research and breeding programs.
    We are pleased to present the complete telomere-to-telomere (T2T) genome assemblies of E048, generated using PacBio HiFi, ONT ultra-long, and Hi-C sequencing technologies. We have successfully annotated the protein-coding genes and repetitive elements of the genome, providing a comprehensive understanding of the genetic architecture. This high-quality genome assembly and annotation will serve as a valuable resource for further genetic research and breeding programs.

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Genome Assembly and Annotation Summary
Genome Assembly
Genome size 729.46 Mb
Number of chromosome 10
GC content 43.91%
N50 71.47 Mb
Completeness (BUSCO) 98.50%
Annotated Genes
Protein-coding genes 35,549
Protein-coding transcripts 48,103
Total gene length 132.12 Mb (18.10%)
Mean gene length 3,717 bp
Completeness (BUSCO) 99.30%
Repetitive Elements
Retrotransposons size 385.22 Mb (52.81%)
DNA Transposons size 94.53 Mb (12.96%)
Other repetitive elements 55.55 Mb (7.61%)
Total size of repetitive elements 535.30 Mb (73.38%)